100% Armega 2x7 Laminated Tear-Offs with Perimeter Seal
Each 7-stack of laminated tear-offs has a strip of clear adhesive around bottom tear-off. To install, it sticks to the lens. Creating a ‘seal' around the perimeter, between the lens and tear-offs. Preventing moisture or debris from getting between the tear-off stack and lens. Because if water gets between there (common battle in the goggle world) the tear-offs become irrelevant - you’re still seeing the water or debris since it is below the bottom tear-off.
- ARMEGA TEAR-OFFS: These tear-offs are cut to fit Armega goggles perfectly.
- 2X7 PACK: Comes in 2 sets of 7 stacks laminated together.
- PERIMETER SEAL: Each 7-stack of laminated tear-offs has a strip of clear adhesive around bottom tear-off. To install, it sticks to the lens creating a ‘seal' around the perimeter, between the lens and tear-offs.
- PERFECT FOR MUDDY CONDITIONS: Seal prevents moisture or debris from getting between the tear-off stack and lens so you can maintain good visibility on the track.
- LIKE HAVING FULL VISION AGAIN: When the rider pulls a tear-off lens it is like having full vision again.